Monday, July 30, 2012

No. 575: Honda delivers its walking aid equipment to a national research center for demonstration experiment (July 30, 2012)

Honda delivered its walking aid equipment to National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology. It wishes to confirm that the equipment is effective to improve the motion capability of the elderly by demonstration experiment for its commercialization. The equipment is named Honda Rhythm Walking Assistance. The wearer wraps the body of the equipment around his waist and fixes the top of the frame coming from the body above the knee. The equipment senses the move of the wearer and activates itself back and forth with a power of about 1 kg.

The research center received 40 units of the equipment from Honda and will conduct demonstration experiment for about one year. Elderly people will wear the equipment and walk outside and inside the building to confirm if it helps them increase the length of their stride. Honda has not decided the date of commercialization yet. In addition to decreasing the weight from the present 2.4 kg, the company will make it user-friendlier to elderly people before commercialization.

Honda's Rhythm Walking Assistance 


  1. To use a rollators, you must be able to walk on your own with basic support, and you must be able to keep up with the mobility aid. In addition, enough hand strength and flexibility to operate the brake controls is required.

  2. A walking frame including two wheels on the front two legs is called zimmer frame. This is the perfect tool for people who feel a problem while walking. We provide the best quality zimmer frames at the most affordable price.
