Saturday, October 26, 2013

No. 796: Using cheap surplus electricity for mass production of hydrogen is promising (October 26, 2013)

The move to use cheap surplus electricity for mass production of hydrogen by electrolysis of water and use the produced hydrogen as a source of energy of power generation as needed is expected to spread. That is, hydrogen will play a role of a battery. Kawasaki Heavy is ahead of others in this move, and it is negotiating on a project to liquefy hydrogen with the Russian leading electric power company RusHydro headquartered in Oblast Magadan near Polustrov Kamchatka. Because surplus electricity generated by hydraulic power generation is very cheap, it will be possible to supply liquefied hydrogen to Japan at a low cost. The company plans to start the demonstration experiment in Russia in 2017, and subsequently build a large-scale plant with an annual production capacity of 90,000 tons with an investment of 20-30 billion yen.  

It wishes to market liquefied hydrogen imported form Russia as fuel for power generation. Development of the technology to liquefy hydrogen using cheap nighttime electricity will open up the road to use liquefied hydrogen as fuel for daytime power generation. Theoretically, it will also be possible to transport and store hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water using cheap electricity generated by photovoltaic generation in such hot regions as the Middle East and Africa. It is expected that spread of hydrogen power generation will contribute greatly to the spread of renewable energy. 

 Exploring the possibility of hydrogen 

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